
您當前所在位置:首頁(yè) >> 客戶(hù)驗廠(chǎng)咨詢(xún)服務(wù) >>  > FCCA驗廠(chǎng) >> 詳細內容


5.0 In-House Lab-Testing內部實(shí)驗室-測試
5.0.1  Does factory perform in-house lab testing and are facilities appropriately equipped? 工廠(chǎng)是否執行內部實(shí)驗室測試和配備適當設施?
5.0.2  All gauges and test equipments have valid calibrations.所有量規和測試設備有效校準。
5.0.3  Testing manuals of various industry standards are available as reference.各種行業(yè)標準測試手冊是可作為參考。
5.0.4  In-house Lab Technicians are properly trained to perform testing functions. 在內部實(shí)驗室的技術(shù)人員受過(guò)適當訓練的執行測試功能。 
6.0 Final inspection最終檢驗
6.0.1  Does factory QC performs final inspection and documents it?工廠(chǎng)QC是否執行最終檢驗和文件?
6.0.2  An approved sample or reference sample with packing list and shipping marks are available as reference for factory QC. 已核準的樣品或參考樣品與包裝清單和嘜頭,可作為工廠(chǎng)品管參考的。
6.0.3  (Critical) Failed inspections are properly corrected prior to final inspection by customer. 
6.0.4  Factory does not ship goods unless subjected to release procedures from customer. 
7.0 People Resources and Training人力資源和培訓
7.0.1  (Critical) Factory conducts, documents, maintains on-job training for all personnel, or conducts pre-hire testing of skilled workers prior to hiring. (重要)工廠(chǎng)進(jìn)行、文件、保持對在職培訓的所有人員或進(jìn)行崗前技能培訓。
7.0.2  Factory conducts and documents technical training programs for Electrical/ Mechanical Engineer, Machinist, QA Auditor and Lab Test Technician. 工廠(chǎng)進(jìn)行和文件的技術(shù)培訓計劃電動(dòng)/機械工程師,機械師,質(zhì)量保證審計員和實(shí)驗室測試技術(shù)員。
7.0.3  Records of trainees and all regular personnel with corresponding performance records are kept and maintained. 記錄學(xué)員及所有工作人員定期與相應的業(yè)績(jì)記錄,保存和維修保養。


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