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FCCA Quality System Audit Outline

(Quality System part質(zhì)量體系部分)  
Factory Quality System工廠(chǎng)的質(zhì)量體系
1.0 Factory Facilities and Environment工廠(chǎng)設施和環(huán)境
1.0.1 There is sufficient lighting on: Production, revising, finishing, inspection, packing and loading areas? 足夠的照明上:生產(chǎn),返工,加工,檢驗,包裝及裝載的區域?
1.0.2 The facility maintains clean and organized production, finishing and packing areas.
1.0.3 Facility has separate inspection area with inspection table and proper ventilation. 
1.0.4 Facility has documented pests/mildew and moisture control program, which includes frequent inspections. (In-house or 3rd party) 
1.0.5 No broken windows or leaking roofs that may result to product contamination was observed during audit. 沒(méi)有打破窗戶(hù)或屋頂漏水,可能導致產(chǎn)品污染的觀(guān)察審核期間。
1.0.6 Factory has metal detecting unit. (Scoring will not apply (N/A) if factory does not need this machine.) 工廠(chǎng)有金屬檢測單位。
1.0.7 (Critical) Factory implements strict sharp tools control procedure to prevent scissors, knives, blades, broken glasses and needles to be mixed with product. 
1.0.8 Factory has back-up power supply available. “Generator” 工廠(chǎng)有后備電力供應?!鞍l(fā)電機”
1.1 Machine Calibration and Maintenance機器校準和維護
1.1.1 Factory machines and equipments are appropriate to produce Wal-Mart products. 工廠(chǎng)的機器和設備是適合的生產(chǎn)沃爾瑪的產(chǎn)品。
1.1.2  Factory has documented system and procedure for scheduled equipment cleaning and repairs. 工廠(chǎng)有文件體系和程序,預定設備清洗和維修。
1.1.3  Factory machines and equipments appear to be clean and in good running condition. 
1.1.4 Machines, equipments and tools are properly labeled with date of last maintenance/calibration and schedule. 機器、設備和工具有適當的標識最后維修/校準日期及進(jìn)度表。
1.1.5 Machines, equipments and tools that needs to be repaired are properly labeled to avoid accidental use. 機器、設備和工具需要維修時(shí)有標識以避免意外使用。
1.1.6 Factory has proper, clean and organized storage area of critical tooling (i.e. injection moulds) with labeled shelves. 工廠(chǎng)有適當的,清潔的和有組織的存儲區域的關(guān)鍵模具(即注射模)與標識的貨架上。
1.1.7 Factory has proper documentation and updated inventory of machines, tools, spare parts and equipments. 工廠(chǎng)有適當的文件和更新庫存機器、工具、零部件和設備。
1.1.8 Factory has maintenance team with suitable skill level and equipments to perform necessary repair and calibration on machines. 工廠(chǎng)維修團隊與合適的技術(shù)水平和設備,以履行必要的維修和校準的機器上。


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